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SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics

Table of Contents
Volume 63, Issue 1, pp. 1-372

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Estimate of Turbulent Eddy Diffusion by Exact Renormalization

Alexandra Indeikina and Hsueh-Chia Chang

pp. 1-41

Self-Similar Solutions for Weak Shock Reflection

Allen M. Tesdall and John K. Hunter

pp. 42-61

Multiple Bumps in a Neuronal Model of Working Memory

Carlo R. Laing, William C. Troy, Boris Gutkin, and G. Bard Ermentrout

pp. 62-97

Desorption Overshoot in Polymer-Penetrant Systems: Asymptotic and Computational Results

David A. Edwards and Richard A. Cairncross

pp. 98-115

A Simple Prediction Algorithm for the Lagrangian Motion in Two-Dimensional Turbulent Flows

Leonid I. Piterbarg and Tamay M. Özgökmen

pp. 116-148

A Rigorous Treatment of a Follow-the-Leader Traffic Model with Traffic Lights Present

Brenna Argall, Colin Hinde, Eugene Cheleshkin, J. M. Greenberg, and Pei-Jen Lin

pp. 149-168

An Asymptotic Finite Deformation Analysis for an Isotropic Compressible Hyperelastic Half-Space Subjected to a Tensile Point Load

Debra Polignone Warne and Paul G. Warne

pp. 169-194

Hydrodynamic Cleansing of Pulmonary Alveoli

Daphne Zelig and Shimon Haber

pp. 195-221

Asymptotic Solution to an Inverse Problem for a Shared Unbuffered Resource

John A. Morrison and K. G. Ramakrishnan

pp. 222-240

Derivation of a Continuum Model for Epitaxial Growth with Elasticity on Vicinal Surface

Yang Xiang

pp. 241-258

Derivation of Continuum Traffic Flow Models from Microscopic Follow-the-Leader Models

A. Aw, A. Klar, M. Rascle, and T. Materne

pp. 259-278

Diffusion Approximation of a Scattering Matrix Model of a Semiconductor Superlattice

Kaijun Zhang and Pierre Degond

pp. 279-298

Relaxation Oscillations in a Class of Delay Differential Equations

A. C. Fowler and Michael C. Mackey

pp. 299-323

A Finite Element Method for an Eikonal Equation Model of Myocardial Excitation Wavefront Propagation

Andrew J. Pullan, Karl A. Tomlinson, and Peter J. Hunter

pp. 324-350

Interaction of Thermal Explosion and Natural Convection: Critical Conditions and New Oscillating Regimes

M. Massot, S. Génieys, T. Dumont, and V. A. Volpert

pp. 351-372